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Aug 12, 2022

You may have heard of the Fair Tax, but what about the Inflation Non-Reduction Act? This new piece of legislation is designed to reduce inflation by stimulating consumption.

For today’s episode, Ken talks about everything surrounding the Inflation Non-Reduction Act: What it is, what it is intended to do, as well as his takeaways on the Inflation Non-Reduction Act. He argues whether this new law will be able to either help decrease or increase the percentage of inflation in the country. The bill will most likely become law and it is doubtful it will reduce inflation.

Ken Greene transitioned from being a Professional Engineer (P.E.) to the “Engineer of Finance.” His goal is to help people become financially independent and help them earn better yields with less risk by investing Off Wall Street.

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Show Notes

  • Why Ken is terrified to watch, listen or read news
  • What the Inflation Non-Reduction Act is
  • The best way to reduce inflation
  • How the bill is intended to work
  • The Inflation Non-Reduction Act versus the Fair Tax or National Consumption Tax
  • What are Ken’s takeaways from the bill
  • What are the Five W’s to remember

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