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Apr 29, 2021

A brief discussion about how the Bankosaurus® feeds real estate and how real estate feeds the Bankosaurus®.

Ken Greene transitioned from being a Professional Engineer (P.E.) to the “Engineer of Finance.” His goal is to help people become financially independent and help them earn better yields with less risk by...

Apr 22, 2021

Simple systems that you put in place can create an incredible amount of wealth and more importantly, cash flow. Then automate some of your systems. You will create so much momentum for your savings, cash flow, and wealth creation. Plus, when you delegate activities through automation, you have more time to focus on...

Apr 15, 2021

Ken and John discuss how the pandemic has impacted real estate in 2020 and 2021 and what we might see in the future.

Ken Greene transitioned from being a Professional Engineer (P.E.) to the “Engineer of Finance.” His goal is to help people become financially independent and help them earn better yields with less...

Apr 8, 2021

What is our government doing?! Printing trillions of dollars and more trillions of dollars might (will) not end well for us. Hyperinflation, the ultimate tax has arrived. Higher taxes will create more and more of a chasm between the rich and poor as it obliterates the middle class.

Ken Greene transitioned from being a...

Apr 1, 2021

A great discussion with a business broker, Andy Cagenetta with Transworld Business Advisors. We talked about buying and selling businesses. Andrew “Andy” R. Cagnetta, Jr., is the CEO and Manager of Transworld® Business Advisors. Andy is a leader in the business brokerage industry and the South Florida business...