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Oct 16, 2023

Ken Greene discusses the concept of "be a guinea pig." He shares his personal experiences from trying out new water sports, to the painful learning process he went through. Ken emphasizes that being a 'guinea pig', though often painful, is an important part of the learning process. He views this as a valuable way to...

Oct 9, 2023

In this podcast episode, Alex Chompff discusses his career journey from the military to entrepreneurship, with notable roles in technology and venture capital. His experience includes being a security chief for nuclear weapons installations to managing a family business. His journey is marked by a deep love...

Oct 2, 2023

Ken Greene discusses inflation and how homeowners can take advantage by using instruments like a 30-year fixed mortgage in an episode titled "Make Inflation Your Friend." Ken mentions the impact of money printing and technology on the value of assets and posits that their worth might not have gone up, but it may...