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Jul 25, 2019

On today's podcast, Ken Greene talks to Court Pitcher, who is the co-owner of Wealth Innovation Group, talking about the Will & Trust Packages and services that his company offers. They explain that if you do not have a trust then the State gets involved and it can become very difficult for the surviving children and other family members to deal with that situation. Wealth Innovation Group is educating others about trusts and how important it is to have a trust, to better protect the ones you love. Stay tuned and enjoy this podcast! 

Ken Greene transitioned from being a Professional Engineer (P.E.) to the “Engineer of Finance.” His goal is to help others become financially independent and earn better yields with less risk by investing Off Wall Street.

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Show Notes

  • Always wanting to learn more to educate clients - 3:57
  • How Ken met Court Pitcher - 5:02
  • Know about protection to help financial advisors - 6:06
  • The protection focus includes Trust - 6:40
  • Court's background - 8:15
  • Starting to build his own practice - 9:18
  • Court explains how he started doing estate planning - 10:13
  • Getting a Will & Trust Package - 11:40
  • Attorneys can be very expensive - 13:32
  • Many people do not realize that they need a Trust - 17:52
  • Consider getting a Trust - 18:22
  • The importance of having a Trust - 19:23
  • Another big purpose of the Trust - 19:56
  • Bringing peace to a family - 21:30
  • Helping with estate planning - 23:50
  • Court explains the important services that his company offers- 28:00
  • Learning more about taxes and tax planning - 29:47

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